Sunday, May 30, 2010

Festival in the Park

Hippo in a tutu.

At the yearly Festival in the Park the most popular event for kids is the Fireman's Foam. This is really just a huge pile of bubbles that a local fire station creates from one of their machines. Hannah LOVED it, Shiloah was content to stand on the edges where the overflow was safe and not too crazy, and Norah was scared to death of it! So, Shishaw held her.

There was also a great big stage with some performances and the girls ran right up to dance, opening it up for other kids to run on stage and enjoy the moment. The big girls especially loved the little girl with beads in her hair -- they were fascinated with the beads. It was a really fun day!

And, as you can see, Hannah is old and strong enough to push Norah in the stroller. She pushed her the whole way from the car to the entrance, with minor directional assistance from the lady carrying far too many bags (that was me). Our next purchase: a wagon.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Norah hard at work

She's really into putting things together. It reminds me so much of my little sister doing the very same thing as a little baby. And, she's getting very proficient with a spoon. Yogurt has the perfect consistency to easily scoop and place in the mouth.

First and Last Days of Preschool!

Shiloah's first day of preschool...

Hannah's first day of preschool...

All the girls on the LAST day of preschool. They have grown up so much!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring Fling

"This Little Light of Mine" with a spider on her head (remaining from Itsy Bitsy Spider just prior to this). She fixated on a light somewhere and did this for about 1/3 of the song. Very dramatic. NO one else on stage was doing this.

The younger Busy Bees on stage in front, the older Busy Bees on stage in back.

Hannah was right in front of us watching her sister proudly.

Honestly, the difference in height is amazing!

Just walking out the door.

Nice legs, Norah.

Today is the day of the final show for 2nd Presbyterian's Preschool. Hannah and Shiloah got to wear special makeup and have special hair. Shiloah chose to wear a dress-up dress that actually fits her, so it works. Hannah is wearing her beautiful fancy sparkly rose dress (a Shishaw gift). Don't you just love Norah's pose -- she knows her legs are her best feature.

Hannah and Shiloah did so well on stage. As you can see, Hannah is quite a bit shorter than the girl she's partnered with! We believe she was partnered with her because this little girl is very "with it" and Hannah can be a little "spacy" (we prefer "creative").

Shiloah was front and center, very active and really in her element on stage. She focused a lot on Mommy and Daddy in the audience; good thing we were in the front row to help her with hand motions!

Random pics

Shiloah was sitting in time out (hence the teary eyes) and Norah came right over to sit next to her. It's so sweet. Usually Norah wants to sit right in her lap, but it seems she caught on that she's not allowed in their laps during time out, so she opted for near instead.

Snuggle time after naps: Hannah is a crazy smurf and Shiloah is grumpy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mommy and Me Day(s) 2010

These two days were so much fun! The girls are getting so big now. I can't believe there's only one year left until Kindergarten...