Tuesday, February 5, 2008

360 Days

Shiloah is 360 days old today, she turns one year old on Sunday! I can't believe it's already been a year, this has gone by so much faster than Hannah's first year, I think. Shiloah loves going down the slide, which she calls the "weeeee." She can actually say a few words but she is particular about when and how she says them. She will say "boo" and "I see you" when I put her shirts on, she says "clap clap clap" and claps her hands, she says mama and does a sign for "all done." I think she says "bath" too. While we were outside, just before I was taping, of course, she walked her 6 first steps as though she's been walking for months. It happened because I moved the Little Tykes car to dump out some water. She had been holding onto it and just decided to walk right back over instead of crawl. She was so steady and comfortable-seeming while walking. She's a tricky one!


Anonymous said...

awesome!! she is a tricky one!!and so beautiful and sweet too. happy day Shiloah!! love, shi hsaw

Anonymous said...

what a big little girl!!! i can't believe she's been tricking us all into thinking she couldn't walk... i bet that she's been walking around for months while you weren't watching... just laughing the whole time... HA HA HA mommy and daddy don't even know! mwahahaha, i'll just pretend to be helpless....
but now you caught on!!
i love youuuuuuu