Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Update

Though I am not on complete bedrest I am still limited in my activities for the time being. Basically I have to stay calm and not get my adrenaline going. Thankfully I can still play normally with the girls, just no long walks or anything like that.

The problem is a fairly large blood clot located next to the baby. I had a significant amount of bleeding a few weeks ago but the baby has continued to appear healthy and strong with a good heartbeat and normal growth. Hopefully the clot will absorb into my body and the pregnancy will continue as normal, but there is always a chance that it will not and a miscarriage will result. It's a weird place to be -- unsure of whether or not there will be a baby in early March. But, my doctor visits have been good so far and we're hopeful that we will indeed have a healthy baby...

...maybe a boy??


Kim Smith said...

Thanks for the update! I'll be praying for you. I am due on March 19th, and I'm hoping for a girl this time. It will be interesting if you end up with a boy and we end up with a girl! :) Hope you are all doing well. Miss ya!

traci said...

thanks for sharing. i am praying for you regularly. does anything ever happen easily for ya'll??/

i'm looking forward to seeing you at the beach.

Mandy said...

Yay Danielle. I will be praying for ya'll that everything continues to go well with this pregnancy. Recently a friend of mine just had a blood clot and bleeding like that early on in her pregnancy but she ended up passing it and everything has been wonderful since. :) Thanks for updating us! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats, Kim and Shannon! And, thanks for all the encouragement, ladies. :)


joye said...

Hi Danielle! I just updated myself on all of your recent blog posts. I am the friend that Mandy mentioned in her comment. We should talk about this clot.... subchorionic hematoma???? I'm also due in March (the 14th). It's crazy how similar our situations are! I'll be keeping you in my prayers for sure! :)