Monday, November 12, 2007

Shiloah learns to crawl

(I tried posting this a week ago but my efforts were here's the video, finally!)

Shiloah learned to crawl about 10 days ago. She was just a sitter that Friday when Daddy left for work, and when he returned home she was officially a crawler! She's now quite good at crawling and pulling herself up to standing, and she is also good at getting all of the things Hannah wants to play with. Hannah has been really good about saying, "No baby, don't play with ____. I'm playing with it!" However, today she was aggressive and possessive, more so than usual. Anything Shiloah played with would quickly become something Hannah did NOT want her to have and it would be snatched out of Shiloah's hands with lightning speed. So, our little angel spent a lot of time in time-out today. Her offenses included things like hitting Baby, kicking Baby, rolling on Baby instead of hitting or pushing her out of the way, grabbing giraffes from Baby, sitting on Baby, yelling "Don't touch Cindy!" at Baby. A few of these were a direct response to my statements, like "Do not yell at Baby, it's okay for her to touch Cindy." We're working on Hannah's new skill -- coming to get Mommy and asking for help with Shiloah when she is doing something Hannah doesn't like.

Hannah is also very helpful in this regard, now that she is our resident law enforcement. Shiloah manages to get her little fingers on anything and everything, especially dangerous things she finds in secret places I've not cleaned in a while. Hannah is always quick to spot these things. Usually I can intercept them before Hannah tries to. One time Hannah knocked Shiloah over in trying to get a piece of paper out of her mouth. Like I said, we're learning about how to say, "Mommy, come help with Shiloah!"


Tim said...

Wow, I love your dedication to blogging about your girls! They are so precious! I can't wait for Noah to go through all these great stages too. He loves to be pulled up to standing right now, and I wonder if he'll skip crawling and just walk. I can see myself chasing this little boy around the house - good for my figure :)

Anonymous said...

it's very special and unique work being the older sister. bless you all!!!love, shi shaw

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's crawling. Now she can do somethings that big sister did. Shiloah seems so sweet!


Anonymous said...

Watch out, Hannah the Tiger! Shiloah the Avenger is on the way!



Anonymous said...

Gramma Rae said...

She made it! Good for Shiloah. Next week she'll be walking. I loved the laughing and the crawling. I'm beginning to like this computer.

Anonymous said...

Hannah is verrry smart.

Anonymous said...

Good job, Grandma Rae!!! You are very technologically savvy for your age. :) Thanks, also, for your email. Your comments are greatly appreciated.
