Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mommy's new haircut.

So, here's my new haircut. They took 9 inches off! I think I had enough hair for our entire family to share. I am trying to post a video of Hannah but won't let me. I'll try again soon. Craig, Mary and Amaya are coming tonight from Long Beach, CA. Craig is Corey's boss from CRM, we're really looking forward to a good time visiting with them.

By the way, do I look 28? I don't really think so, but that might be because it's my own picture. The hair stylist thought I was 20!! What's your vote? Could I win one of those "guess your age" booths at the state fair?


Anonymous said...

I think you look like you're in your 20's... but you definitely don't look like you're 20, and you DO NOT look like you have 2 babies:)

Also, clearly you don't act like me, so you don't act like you're 21... You're WAY older than that... atleast in my very educated opinion:)


Anonymous said...

oh... and i thought the lady that did our hair was also a "lady" much older than myself... so clearly i am an excellent judge:)

--Budgie x2

Danielle Paxton said...

Budgie, your comments made me LOL! :)--Sister

Anonymous said...

u look great!! love, mil

Anonymous said...

You are as young as you feel. If you feel like you are 20, then think that! And you look great even if you have had 2 babies!! I like the new haircut.

Kraig said...

So pretty Danielle! I love your blog and the video's especially! It's so neat to hear how a parent of TWO does're a great mom! ~ Danielle B.

Jen said...


First of all...STRIKE A POSE, GIRL!

You look so "blue steel" (have you seen Zoolander?)

Let's see...well 28 seems YOUNG to this 35 year old, so you look young, therefore, you look 28. But, I totally think you could pass for a college girl, especially now with the new trendy hair. Love it.

I keep forgetting about this blog...I need to add it to my google reader.

Hi to y'all. Jen

Jen said...

I just looked at your pics again. I gazed. I analyzed. I contemplated.

You look 16.

Anonymous said...

When you were younger you were bald. Then you grew a mullet. I can't remember how old you are now, so I don't know if you look older or younger than you are. How old are you anyway? You still look like my first baby.


Danielle Paxton said...

Haha!!! Jennyth, you nailed it. I was actually going for the "blue steel" look when I took the pictures. So funny that you got it. You're so clever, I should have known.

And, just to clarify, TT is my mom. In case you didn't get that. I'm 28 now, Mom! That's almost 30.
