Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hannah sings her A-B-C's

Hannah has been singing her a-b-c's up to the letter 'g' for a little while now but today she decided to finish off the rest of the song. I was so surprised to hear all 26 letters come out of her mouth! We had to call the grandparents and sing it to them because we were so proud, they loved it, of course.

On an unrelated note, our heater broke today, which just happened to be one of the coldest days of all time! Hannah will start crying if she's exposed to the cold for too long, and I don't blame her. It's freezing! So we called a fix-it guy and he replaced the motor and now it's working just fine. But, we didn't want the girls to freeze at night so we put them in the same room to sleep with a space heater. Well, after about 45 minutes Shiloah woke up (this is a normal occurrence during sleep cycles, usually we put ourselves right back to sleep) and started babbling. Well, I guess Hannah was still awake because pretty soon they were both laughing and talking and having a grand ol' time in there when they were supposed to be sleeping! We got a good laugh out of it, too, but eventually the fun ended and Shiloah was crying so we moved her back into her own room and then they went back to sleep. They are so funny! Don't worry, the heat is working now and they're plenty warm in their double-layers of pajamas.


Anonymous said...

great job Danielle!!! i love these. i miss you all so much! shi shaw

Anonymous said...

remember the time when hannah started crying because she had never been cold before?
that was SO cute

pooooor hannah

love, Budgie:)