Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bath time with Adia and then some...

Our dearest friends, Shirley and Adia, came to visit all the way from Pasadena this week! It was so wonderful to have Hannah and Adia back together again, they just loved having their old playmates around. Shirley and I loved having our old playmates around again, too. Bath time was one of the most fun time of our day, except for poor Hannah, who was so overwhelmed and exhausted from all of the excitement that she would completely melt down and barely be able to participate in the bath experience at all. So, all three girls started out in the bath together but Hannah had to come out quickly because we had to put her right to bed. We also discovered that Shiloah thinks Adia is HILARIOUS! That laugh is so contagious. (I was with Hannah, putting her pj's on, drying her hair, etc. Poor thing.)

Hannah's newest thing is to "be" someone else. She's very creative. Today she said to me, "No, Mommy, I'm just Lisa." Lisa is the little girl on the Corduroy video we watched. Lisa happens to have pretty big teeth for a little girl and Hannah does this funny little thing with her mouth to show all of her teeth when she is Lisa. Tonight during dinner she was Apple Dumplin', not to be confused with Apple Dumpling. Very different. This little character is Strawberry Shortcake's baby sister. So, Apple Dumplin' ate her dinner, Little Mousie is taking a bath right now, and My Sweet Little Birdie will go night-night tonight. Hannah is so funny!

She's also potty-trained, by the way. Completely. It was amazing! I just decided that she was ready, after having seen her friend Amaya do her thing on the potty. We went out and bought some cute princess underwear and then... Two wet accidents the next day and she was potty trained. Number 2 has been pretty hard for her but today was a complete success! So, after just 3 days we were only wearing diapers at night, and most of them were dry the next morning. All you parents out there know exactly why this is significant enough to blog about. It has changed my days dramatically and Hannah is always very proud of what she can do in the potty.

Random tip, if you have a flat-top stove and it gets dirty all the time like mine, you can clean it with straight baking soda and a damp cloth. All the grime comes right off.

And, this second video is of Shiloah just after finishing her dinner. She finds herself quite entertaining and we think so, too. She's really good at entertaining herself all throughout the day, which is wonderful. I just can't believe she's already 10 months old!


Anonymous said...

that's hilarious!! here comes Shiloah!!!we love you so much!!
i love you Hannah!!!I can't wait til we " do drama " together again! you are wonderful and here is a hug!! love shi shaw

Anonymous said...

Those are EXACTLY the head moves Danielle did when she was about that age! I can't believe it! Deja vu all over again! Be sure to sing to her what we sang to you: dee doo dee doo dee doo doo doo dee doo doo. Doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo. See if she speeds up her head shakin'

Love TT

Anonymous said...

I hope that you can imagine how wonderful it is to be able to watch these videos. Although it is not exactly like being there, it is close and I know that I get just as excited. Love, Gramma Rae and Grandpa John

Danielle Paxton said...

Rae and John:

You guys are real pros at using blogger now. Who says great-grandparents can't use technology!? We are so thrilled that you are using this and able to keep up on the girls this way.

Love, Danielle

Jen said...

GO HANNAH!! Congrats on your big achievement on being potty trained!! I think children should get potty training degrees, ceremonies, and presents! It's such a big deal!!

And, SO GLAD you all got to hang out together, how fun!! Hi to Shirley and Adia too!! Jen

Anonymous said...

Potty training graduation is a gift to everyone, especially the mdc. (main diaper changers)